AI Tech Salon: Protect Your AI Keys - Lou Zell's Solution for Swift Developers

AI Tech Salon: Protect Your AI Keys - Lou Zell's Solution for Swift Developers

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In our latest AI Tech Salon livestream, we had the pleasure of hosting Lou Zell, co-founder of AI Proxy Pro, to discuss the challenges and solutions in secure AI integration for iOS development. If you missed the live show, don't worry - we've got you covered with this comprehensive overview.

Key Highlights

  • Introduction to AI Proxy Pro and its role in securing AI API keys
  • The challenges of integrating AI in iOS apps
  • Getting started with AI Proxy Pro
  • The technology behind the scenes
  • Real-world applications and success stories

The Problem: Securing AI API Keys in Mobile Apps

Lou Zell kicked off the discussion by addressing a critical issue facing iOS developers:
  • How to securely integrate AI capabilities into mobile apps without exposing valuable API keys.
  • Traditional methods of storing keys on the device or in the cloud come with significant security risks, potentially leading to unauthorized usage and unexpected bills.

Enter AI Proxy Pro: The Swift Developer's Secret Weapon

AI Proxy Pro offers a novel solution to this problem. Here's how it works:
  1. Split Key Encryption: Your API key is divided into two parts - one stored in your app and one on AI Proxy Pro's servers.
  1. Secure Intermediary: AI Proxy Pro acts as a middleman between your app and AI services like OpenAI.
  1. Server-Side Reconstruction: The full API key is only reconstructed on the server-side when making API calls.
This approach ensures that your complete API key never exists in one place, significantly reducing the risk of theft or unauthorized use.

Getting Started with AI Proxy Pro

Lou walked us through the process of integrating AI Proxy Pro into an iOS project:
  1. Sign up for a free account at
  1. Clone the AI Proxy bootstrap repo
  1. Follow the integration guide video (approximately 8 minutes long)
  1. Set up Apple's DeviceCheck through the developer dashboard
  1. Submit your AI service provider key (e.g., OpenAI) to AI Proxy Pro's backend
The entire setup process typically takes about 10 minutes, allowing developers to quickly secure their AI integrations.

Technology Deep Dive

During the livestream, Lou provided insights into the technology powering AI Proxy Pro:
  • Device Check: Ensures requests come from legitimate app installs
  • Certificate Pinning: Prevents man-in-the-middle attacks
  • Partial Key Storage: Only a portion of the encrypted key is stored on the device

Pricing and Scalability

AI Proxy Pro offers a generous free tier, allowing developers to experiment and prototype without upfront costs:
  • Free Tier: 1,000 requests
  • Paid Plans: Starting from $8/month for higher volume usage
The service is designed to scale with your app's success, making it accessible for indie developers and attractive for larger app studios.

Real-World Applications

Lou shared how AI Proxy Pro is being used by various developers:
  • Indie developers rapidly prototyping AI-powered features
  • App studios integrating AI across multiple projects
  • Developers experimenting with different AI providers (OpenAI, Anthropic, Stability AI)

Looking Ahead: Future Developments

The AI Proxy Pro team is actively working on:
  • Expanding support for more AI service providers
  • Simplifying integration with popular Swift packages
  • Developing tools for easier SDK integration by library authors


AI Proxy Pro is addressing a critical need in the iOS development community by providing a secure, scalable solution for AI integration. Whether you're an indie developer or part of a larger team, AI Proxy Pro offers the tools and peace of mind needed to bring AI-powered apps to the App Store safely and efficiently.
Want to learn more or see the full discussion?
Check out the complete livestream below:
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Ready to secure your AI integrations? Visit AI Proxy Pro to sign up for a free account and start building with confidence today!

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