Ultimate Guide: Installing Miniforge for AI Development on M1 Macs

Ultimate Guide: Installing Miniforge for AI Development on M1 Macs


Getting Started


The arm64 Apple Silicon script from this repo.
*Note: Be sure to download the arm64 for your M series Mac. Otherwise you’ll have a lot of problems.
notion image

Install Steps

  1. Open Terminal and navigate to your Downloads folder:
    1. cd ~/Downloads
  1. Make the installer executable:
    1. chmod +x Miniforge3-MacOSX-arm64.sh
  1. Run the installer (if you are typing this out you can hit tab and it’ll auto-complete the name):
    1. ./Miniforge3-MacOSX-arm64.sh
  1. Follow the prompts to complete the installation. When asked, agree to the license terms and choose the installation location (the default is usually fine).
    1. notion image
  1. When asked Do you wish to update your shell profile to automatically initialize conda?
    1. I type in: Yes
      1. notion image
  1. After installation, close and reopen your Terminal.
  1. Close and reopen your Terminal again.
  1. Disable auto-activation of the base environment (optional but recommended):
    1. conda config --set auto_activate_base false
  1. Update conda:
    1. conda update conda
Bonus: if you want to disable the message at the top when you open terminal Last login: Mon Jul 29 22:17:50 on ....
  1. Run the following command touch ~/.hushlogin
  1. Close and open your terminal and you should no longer see the message.
  1. To reverse this change rm ~/.hushlogin

Why Miniforge3 for my Conda environment?

  • Automatically has conda-forge by default which repos like MLX use
  • Miniforge is a minimal installer for Conda specific to conda-forge
  • It's designed to be a lightweight alternative to Anaconda, providing only essential packages and saving space and resources.
  • Miniforge uses CPython as the default Python implementation.
  • It's suitable for general Python development and data science projects